Once upon a time, baby Jamie was the cutest thing you ever saw, trust me I've got a whole lot of pictures to prove that, As a baby I remember consciously doing mischievous things. and when anyone got angry and tried scolding me, all that I needed to do was to smile and if it didn't work, I would switch to fake tears Immediately, and that would be the end of my scolding. Oh what a perfect time it was,my days of innocence where the best, I'll give anything to get that back
Recently however I've discovered that my smile has become more of naughty than innocent. I've discovered that me
I remember vividly one cool evening, I was out on a date with a gorgeous girl, which was going so well I felt we knew each other already for a long time, trying to be friendly, I asked her to my place beaming as I invited, the mere fact that I smiled communicated to her that I was up to noo good...lol, I know because she later confessed to me, that the only reason why she didn't say yes, the first time I asked. was because I looked too naughty, can you imagine that?
I'm really searching for that cute sweet and innocent little boy that I once was, I hope he is still deep within me, and if peradventure you see little Jamie, please tell him to come back. Big James needs to connect with him.....Thanks