Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
I Believe
Saturday, March 3, 2012
What Life Has Taught Me!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
She's Amazing
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Introduction/Famous ....My kinda Poetry ))
Attention y’all, this is nothing but a brief IntroduCtion
I wan announce myself, like trader for Market JunCtion
I gat too much Money …dey call me the BIZ-NESS
Sure to keep my Honey cuming like a BEE’s-NEST
Fear me ohh. I fit use Razor blade cut caRRot
Why you talking about me, abi U be paRRot?
Before Before…all the haters wanted was my Destruction
But...Thanks to Jehovah, Now they all Come 4 Instruction
I’m difficult to comprehend, Definition of EnigmA
Those who tried beefing me..Live with the StigmA
I’m So fly…Even the Sky..gat ask God Why I hot like Fire
Before gals dey tell me Lie, form shy, now dey all say Hi
In case u didn’t know this…My swag is ContagioUS
My madness na Internal…..sumtin Like PemphigUS
#Fact Nobody can stop me …I’m a mysTeRy
I am the 1st and last of my Kind...In HisToRy
I know the way …follow me…I gat dirEctioN
I nor be like dem boiz..Wen know only ErEctioN.
Now you know the person I really am wIthIn
My Father Is God, and He sure calls me PIkIn
I always Sit and Fantasize about how life would be...When I’m fAMOUS
I’d first take a photo with Beyonce, and make sure that they FRAME-US
I’d call my Mum in joy, and My Dad, The Big MISTER
And with Love..tell my mum how much I MiSSED-HeR
Everyday champagne popping would be my SIGNATURE
On the beach with birds tweeting and Singing In-NATURE
I’d build a big House…Just to do my LaundRY
Another mansion, for bath, Living in LuxURY
I’d also have a girl, much prettier than a PORN-STAR
With a body guard, so big and bad like a MONSTER
I nor go forget my guyz ohh..Even My-Boy-Mega
We’d be balling and chilling with My-Toy-Sega (lol)
I’d be my own King, Very bad like that Nigguh Micheal-Jackson
I go get mouth; people must hear my voice like Kelly-Clarkson
Considering the fact that I’d already be a DoctOR
The gangster in me would live on like 2pac-shakUR
My jamz would be all that’s on the radio..I Trust the D.J
I’d be beta dan (B)beyonce and (J)jay combined, even B.J
The Time is really close; I can feel it in the Air
No need for fear..coz All I gat, I’d be sure 2 share
P.s...If you don't get any Line Here, Ask Me!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Wait Your Turn
As they Continued, she couldn't Help but wonder, If he was Actually a virgin as He had Claimed, she had Kept herself for Only Her Husband, and he said He did, but his hands and lips where too experienced to be that of a Newbie, but then he never said he had never kissed before, so .......Her thought train stopped as He kissed Her Neck with renewed passion, They both couldn't wait no longer, As they removed their clothes, actually tearing most of it in the process, what a night this would be, they where going to be joined as one!
Now Her clothes where gone, 'wow" he exclaimed silently to himself, First because her almost Naked body was more beautiful than he Had Imagined and Secondly, He didn't actually Know how to proceed, what's next? He Dialogued and debated within Himself, and after a moment of Confusion, decided to remove her bra, he tried to remove it like a shirt over her head,but she smiled and told Him He had to Unhook it from the back, )), Unhooking was harder than he had thought but after a "short" while of struggling, He succeeded )). and Here my story Ends, The remaining part2 is
The Moral of the story is thus...Keep Yourself, a lot of us (writer Included) have lost this opportunity, Our first Time was shared with someone who might not even remember our names if we meet again, Truth is I would give just about anything to regain my Innocence, Virginity is not as bad as people make it sound like, So if You've had the privilege of not loosing Yours, Keep it that way, and this story might just be yours...Peace!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My Life as A Student Artist
Okay that said, So My first gig was at an Omizsy's Event on September 11th 2010, Tagged Explosion, Truth is Ternopil is yet to recover from that Explosive Event, Artist Such as Jide the Only ceaser I know, Tc peruzzi the guy Alanta Na another type, And Noks Our very own Jay-z, Not forgetting Ternopil's own Art-man Ade the guitar Hero, The party was killed of course, And as a result all of us where placed On the Wanted List, by the music Government for murder. keep running guys they can't Catch us...
Second Event I was Invited to, was at a Ukrainian Hip-Hop concert on 05/12/2010, These guys where Hip-Hop Fanatics, And that almost cost one of the Artist there his left eye, as he called me "My Nigga" and hugged me simultaneously, I managed to keep my cool though In the end, guess we where both On Some Cognac Influence, Ajay of course once again rocked the show With His swag Intact, I have never felt so loved In my Entire Life as I did that day, Many white faces screaming Ajay brought me close to tears,It made me Almost Decide on the spot to Sing solely in Ukrainian language, But erm I think Urhobo is
I really have so many things to write, but once again, Time is very Unfriendly, I'm getting late for my obstetrics class with Every sec that passes. By the way checkout samples of My songz at, You gonna love It, And there are new Stuffs coming up very soon, Keep in touch with my fan page to get the first Squeeze. I very much appreciate the love,hate,beef,praise, gossips and all, It has made me a Stronger and more popular person, than I was last year,
Ok,I gat to study now....My Teacher awaits, Peace
Friday, October 29, 2010
I am writing you this letter In response to the vacancy posted In your life, for the position of boyfriend , I am aware of other candidates Who are Interested In this same position, and would do anything to get this post, but I am confident that with my skills, passion and Experience In relationships, I am the most qualified for this job.
I worked in the past as assistant-boyfriend for one miss Ekaete, and enclosed is a letter of recommendation from her, My skills Include the ability to always be by the side, back, and Even On Top of those I work for anytime they need me. I am a faithful and dedicated worker, and believe that If I am given this opportunity, You would be glad you did.
I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this position with you. If you have questions or would like to schedule an interview In Your room, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Babor James
Monday, July 5, 2010
Racism Kills
Truth be told all through those years growing up, I never considered myself different from my peers because of my skin, Maybe Intellectually or Character wise, But Never because of my color, I remember One of my bosom friends his name chidiebere whom I called Oyibo pepper ( a light skinned person in Nigeria) and he responded with giving me his very own nick name "Night" To us It was all playful teasing and the names we called each other didn't stop us from been the good friends we came to become, I loved every single minute of growing up as a Darker version of the average African ..
On traveling to Europe however Things changed . I remember sitting on the plane and wondering where all this "Yellow" people came from, I honestly don't see the reason Caucasians are called white, But that's just me, The difference In color didn't shock me much however Until I alighted from the airplane, Now that was when wahala(trouble) began, Lord have mercy I exclaimed to myself, I along with a handful of Nigerians with me at that time where the only colored skin my eyes could see. To make matters worse, they stared at us even Harder than I did at them, I just wonder what must have been going on in their Heads as they looked at us, I sincerely hope it wasn't the same or even similar to what was going on in mine.
I have come to accept myself as a black man, And honestly must say I'm proud to be African, It's however very sad when I see "small minded" people trying to capitalize on this skin difference to promote strife, It sickens me when I consider the sheer number of Silly white boys, who have tried to attack me or haul insults at me just because of the fact that I have a different skin from theirs( N.B- I always beat up those Ones who come to fight One on one to my satisfaction before leaving the scene) . I would also like to add here that Even the Africans who complain of been Molested become racist Inclined after such confrontations and thus the cycle goes on and on.
My point? you may ask, Is simply thus, Yeah I'm black and proud. But That's NOT the reason why I may be different from any other normal person , Any one No matter their color who grew Up In the same Environment and home I did is very much likely to be the same If not similar to the person I am today, Be you white, red, Alien green, Or black.
Say no To racism, It Kills. That's all i have to convey for now!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Baby J...where did you go?

Once upon a time, baby Jamie was the cutest thing you ever saw, trust me I've got a whole lot of pictures to prove that, As a baby I remember consciously doing mischievous things. and when anyone got angry and tried scolding me, all that I needed to do was to smile and if it didn't work, I would switch to fake tears Immediately, and that would be the end of my scolding. Oh what a perfect time it was,my days of innocence where the best, I'll give anything to get that back
Recently however I've discovered that my smile has become more of naughty than innocent. I've discovered that me
I remember vividly one cool evening, I was out on a date with a gorgeous girl, which was going so well I felt we knew each other already for a long time, trying to be friendly, I asked her to my place beaming as I invited, the mere fact that I smiled communicated to her that I was up to noo, I know because she later confessed to me, that the only reason why she didn't say yes, the first time I asked. was because I looked too naughty, can you imagine that?
I'm really searching for that cute sweet and innocent little boy that I once was, I hope he is still deep within me, and if peradventure you see little Jamie, please tell him to come back. Big James needs to connect with him.....Thanks